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This is not right.

The most important gift that I have received from all the fields that I have ever put my feet into is design. It gave me that feeling that no other field gives me. To sum it up, its this. This is not right. Bold. Italics . Underline. THIS IS NOT RIGHT.  This feeling has taken me a longer way than any other. I try thinking into the deeper meaning of things and I feel every subject sort of gives you this one question that you pursue and make a career into. My managements brothers tell me, this is not managed right. My fashion friends tell me, this doesn't look right. But my design friends tell me, this is not right. Or maybe even, this is not designed right. Till some decades back, this is not designed right meant aesthetics. But now, it just more than just that. And when it left the threshold of my thoughts, and I couldn't tolerate more of this, I ended up doing something I thought I would never do. I started up. This is my experimentation ground. This is where I think th
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